
A report schedule gives you the ability to automatically generate reports base on frequencies with associated date ranges.

This is the recommended way of generating reports.

You need to either have the owner, admin or user role in the organization to be able to manage report schedules.

Create a schedule

Note that you need to have a report template to be able to create a report schedule.

To create a report template, you first need to be logged in Kubewise, select the reports section from the left menu, then select the schdules tab.

Schedules’ section Schedules’ section

Click on the create schedule button, a dialog window will appear and prompt for a name:

Create schedule - name Create schedule - name

Click on next, select the report template you want to use:

Create schedule - template Create schedule - template

Then you will be asked to select the target (here we have selected a cluster security type of template so we are asked to select a cluster):

Create schedule - target Create schedule - target

Then you will be asked to enter the generated report name pattern, and the timezone you want dates in the reports.

Create schedule - report name and timezone Create schedule - report name and timezone

Then you will be asked to enter the schedule at which you want to want to generate a report and the associated data date range:

Create schedule - frequencies Create schedule - frequencies

Once you’re done, just click on create and you will be all set!

Run a schedule

To run a schedule, just click on the play icon on the right of the template that you want to run:

Run schedule Run schedule

You are going to be asked to select the data date range you want to analyze:

Run schedule - data window Run schedule - data window

Once you hit run, the request will be sent to Kubewise which will start generating your report. You will see the report appearing under the reports tab after a few minutes.

Subscribe to a schedule

Users have the possibility to get notified by when a new report has been automatically generated by schedule (not for manual triggers). You have 3 options:

  • No notification: user will not receive any notification on new reports.
  • Email notification: user will receive an email on each report generation containing a link pointing at the report.
  • Email notification with report as attachment: user will receive an email on each report generation and the report will be embeded in the email.

Subscribe to schedule Subscribe to schedule