User Rights


The Kubewise application provides 5 differents roles giving users differents set of rights:

  • owner: full admin access to the organization.
  • admin: almost-full admin access to the organization, without the billing section (can see invoices).
  • billing: full access to billing/invoices related sections only.
  • user: can manage reports and deploy the K8s-agent in clusters.
  • viewer: can view reports, and subscribe to reports schedules notifications.

Detailed rights


Owner Admin Billing User Viewer
Create organization X X X X X
Delete organization X - - - -
View organization name X X X - -
Modify organization name X X X - -
View address X X X - -
Modify address X X - - -

User management

Owner Admin Billing User Viewer
View users X X - - -
Invite user X X (only Admin/User/Viewer) - - -
Modify user role X X (only Admin/User/Viewer) - - -
Remove user X X - - -


Owner Admin Billing User Viewer
View clusters X X - X -
View cluster API key X X - X -
Create new cluster X X - - -
Modify cluster X X - - -
Delete cluster X X - - -

Reports / templates / schedules

Owner Admin Billing User Viewer
View reports X X - X X
Create report X X - X -
Delete report X X - X -
View templates X X - X -
Create template X X - X -
Modify template X X - X -
Delete template X X - X -
View schedules X X - X -
Create schedule X X - X -
Modify schedule X X - X -
Delete schedule X X - X -
Subscribe to schedules notifications X X - X X
View preferences X X - X -
Modify preferences X X - X -


Owner Admin Billing User Viewer
View invoices X X X - -
View notifications X X X - -
Edit notifications X - X - -
View credit card X - X - -
Edit credit card X - X - -
View VAT number X - X - -
Edit VAT number X - X - -
View settings X - X - -
Edit settings X - X - -


Owner Admin Billing User Viewer
View tickets X X (Tech only) X (Sales only) X (Tech only) -
Open tickets X X (Tech only) X (Sales only) X (Tech only) -
Comment tickets X X (Tech only) X (Sales only) X (Tech only) -