
To update Kubewise’s Kubernetes agent to the newest version, you first need to determine the latest version by executing the following command:

helm repo update
helm search repo kubewise/k8s-agent --versions | awk 'FNR>1 {print $2}' | sort -r | head -n1

Next, initiate the upgrade by running the following command, replacing the version with the one obtained from the previous command:

helm upgrade kubewise-k8s-agent kubewise/k8s-agent \
  --atomic \
  --namespace kubewise \
  --create-namespace \
  --version <kubewise_latest_version> \
  --set credentials.clusterId="<your_kubewise_cluster_id>" \
  --set credentials.apiKey="<your_kubewise_cluster_api_key>"

Make sure to replace the cluster id and API key with your cluster credentials values.